SailingStone Capital Partners invests in natural resources companies that operate around the world. Given our longer-term investment horizon, our meaningful ownership stakes in portfolio companies, and our client base, environment, social/safety, and governance (“ESG”) assessment is an integral part of our investment and risk management process. We believe that the optimal way to manage ESG-related issues is through extensive due-diligence and active engagement with our portfolio companies and their various stakeholders. ESG has been, and continues to be, a core component of our investment process.
The ESG framework at SailingStone Capital is generally consistent with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) integration model.

Source: A Practical Guide to ESG Integration for Equity Investing, https://www.unpri.org/download?ac=10, The Principles for Responsible Investment
The only caveat, as discussed here, is that we view ESG as part of a strict vetting process which we use to narrow down the available pool of investable companies. That determination is made prior to any financial modeling or valuation work. In other words, companies or commodities which fail our ESG assessment are excluded from the short list of companies which compete for capital in our portfolios.